Monday, March 8, 2010

Is this a Sign that Spring may be here Soon???

Spent some time in the garden over the weekend and saw some interesting sites! Little bits of "green" poking it's head out to let me know that soon winter would be over!  Somedays it feels like Spring will never come...but today while shooting these pics, I have faith that it WILL be here again soon Y'all!!!

Bearded Iris and Chives

Sedum "Dragon's Blood"


Ostrich Ferns

Stella D'oro Daylily

I can't wait to get back out into my garden again!


  1. Oh, wonderful little bits of green!! Up here, we won't see those for at least another 2 months :(...and then, they can almost be considered signs that summer is almost here LOL

    Lovely to see signs of spring arriving in parts to the south...hope still remains way up by us ;D

  2. I love spring pictures! Happy last day of winter! :) Spring is officially here tomorrow!


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